Sunday, October 12, 2014

Business Plan Format

There are plenty of ways to write out a business plan, whether in a format like this or through following the business model canvas. The cover page, confidentiality agreement and table of contents each would have their own separate page. Everything after the table of contents flows normally. I have kept this pretty simple, you can find more detailed business plans at I combined business plan formats and ideas from about 4 different sources to create my plan. It fits well for my business idea, hopefully it will help you understand the basics of creating a business plan.


Business Plan
Name of Business
Business Address
Phone Number
Owners - Titles 


Confidentiality Agreement
The undersigned reader acknowledges that the information provided by _______________ in this business plan is confidential; therefore, reader agrees not to disclose it without the express written permission of _______________.
It is acknowledged by reader that information to be furnished in this business plan is in all respects confidential in nature, other than information which is in the public domain through other means and that any disclosure or use of same by reader, may cause serious harm or damage to _______________.
Upon request, this document is to be immediately returned to _______________.

Name (typed or printed)


Table of Contents

1.0   Executive Summary
2.0   Mission, Goals and Objectives
2.1   Mission Statement
2.2   Goals and Objectives
3.0   Products and Services
3.1   Background Industry Information
3.2   Current and Future Trends
3.3   Background of My Business
4.0   Organizational Matters
4.1   Business Structure
4.2   Management
4.3   Outside Services
5.0   Marketing Plan
5.1   Product Description
5.2   Features and Benefits
5.3   Product Growth Description
6.0   The Market Anazlysis
6.1   Target Customers
6.2   Competition
7.0   Market Potential
7.1   Current Trade Area
7.2   Market Size and Trends
7.3   Market Potential
8.0   Marketing Strategies
8.1   Packaging
8.2   Public Relations
8.3   Advertising
9.0   The Financial Plan
9.1   Projected Income Statement
9.2   Projected Balance Sheet
9.3   Projected Statement of Cash Flows
9.4   Summary of Financial Needs
10.0            Appendix
10.1            Income Statement
10.2            Balance Sheet
10.3            Statement of Cash Flows

1.0           Executive Summary
              This is a place to make a summary of the key points of your business plan. Use this section to draw people's attention. It is easiest to write this section last.

2.0          Mission, Goals and Objectives
2.1   Mission Statement
                  What is the purpose of your company, and how will you be a better choice to your target customers. Keep it short and simple.

2.2 Goals and Objectives

3.0 The Industry
                3.1 Background Industry Information
                     Simple overview of the current market size for your product or service. This takes a little bit of research, but is not all that hard with Google. Ex. (How many _____ are sold each year?)

    3.2 Current and Future Trends
         Is the industry growing, what is effecting the growth? How do you predict this market to grow or decline in the future?

                3.3 Background of my Business
When were you started? What was the reason that you started your business? 

4.0 Organizational Matters
                4.1 Business Structure
                     Are you the sole owner, do you have partners, or is it a corporation?

4.2 Management
                  Who is in charge and what do they bring to the table?

4.3 Outside Services
                  What outside services are you currently using to help start your business? For me, it would be the Small Business Development Center, and the Rollins Center at BYU.

5.0 The Marketing Plan
                5.1 Product Description
                5.2 Features and Benefits

                5.3 Product Growth Description
                      Do you plan on creating add-ons, or developing new products down the road?

6.0 The Market Analysis
                6.1 Target Customers

    6.2 Competition

7.0             Market Potential
7.1   Current Trade Area
                   Where do you plan on selling your product??

7.2   Market Size and Trends
      How much do people spend on your type of product, and is the market growing?

7.3   Market Potential
                  How much of the market do you think you can reasonably take?

8.0             Marketing Strategies
8.1   Packaging

8.2   Public Relations

8.3   Advertising

9.0             The Financial Plan
9.1   Projected Income Statement
9.2   Projected Balance Sheet
9.3   Projected Cash Flow Statement
9.4   Summary of Financial Needs

10.0       Appendix
10.1 Income Statement
10.2 Balance Sheet
10.3 Projected Cash Flow Statement

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