Monday, October 6, 2014

The Magical Goal Poster

Setting goals is a very important aspect of our lives. Goals help us to stretch ourselves and achieve more than we normally would. I personally find it easy, and I think many people as well, to get excited and write down a bunch of goals and work on them for a short period of time. It is easy to lose sight of your goals, it is also very easy to lose the piece of paper you wrote your goals on!

I have determined a solution that is helping me focus on my goals and achieve them. It is easier to show you than to talk about it:

This is my first draft/rendition of the world's most awesome goal poster (Really it is just one sheet of paper, and 4 sticky notes).

There are many ways to break down this poster. Let's start with the left hand side.

You can name the poster whatever you would like, something that motivates you or is just awesome. 
I have mine broken down into sections, Education, Experience, Physical, Business, and the ever exciting More category.

Some addition suggestions could be Financial, Travel, Giving, Skill-Sets or Influence. Make it personal to you!

The right hand side is a little bit different, but it is the best part! Often our goals remain the same for a long period of time, but the actions that we take to reach those goals change pretty constantly. I do not make any kind of commission on sticky notes, but I recommend going through quite a few of these guys. Keeping them organized so you can look back at the things you have done is something that I find helpful. 

As I thought and prayed about my goals I received inspiration that has helped guide me to know the different things I need to focus on personally. I recommend to you the same process, prayer is a powerful tool, I believe that God knows our potential better than we do. 

I have been told that everything you write down on your goal poster will be accomplished, I believe that to be true! I am taking full responsibility for my goals, I am going to accomplish them. Each one will be followed by a small victory dance, and a new goal to pursue.

Take a look at my other blog at

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